Hymnal Native Android App

Around 2012 I built the first version of this Native Android Application, as a personal project in my free time, along the years I have been maintaining it, improving it and making it better because it’s growth has been huge, now it has over 500K downloads and it provides service to hundreds of thousands of users monthly around the globe in countries that speak English, Spanish and Portuguese.

This app has had some interesting challenges, it does not only allows to sing hymns, but it also provides a way to play music in the background in random or sequential way, one after another automatically, it also contains a karaoke system that moves the words according to the music , all the customization inside the app, and all the server api that has been built around it to be able to handle that amount of users has been challenging.

To be able to not get my self crazy maintaining this app and so I could be able to create other things, I managed to encapsulate the core functionality in a library that now is used along 3 more similar apps, so now these 4 applications share about 90% of the code and I can maintain it very much easier across all the applications. You can check this and the other similar apps in the Play Store in the links below.

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